Author Archives: Writer

Understanding Felony Classifications and Felony Bail Bonds in Angleton

In Texas, there are multiple types of felonies that are classified into various categories, and the definitions of these crimes distinguish them from misdemeanors. These categories also determine how much time is to be served if an individual is found guilty. Before looking at some of the differences between misdemeanor and felony bail bonds in […]

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Why You Need a Knowledgeable Bail Bonds Agent in Angleton

Going to a professional for help is supposed to be a positive experience. The assumption is that this person knows what they are doing and will be able to help you with whatever issue you are having at that time. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and because bail bonds agents are expected to know […]

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Should You Seek Assistance from Bail Bondsmen in Angleton?

People go to jail for a variety of crimes, but in many cases, they have the option to pay bail and go free until their court date arrives. While some people have access to the money needed to post bail, there are others who have to use alternative methods to cover this cost. Should a […]

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