If you or a loved one are ever arrested, you will understandably want to get out of jail as quickly as possible. Despite your desire for everything to happen swiftly, though, it is important to take the time to find the best bail bondsmen to work with. Take a look at three things you should […]
Five Common Mistakes to Avoid If You’re Arrested
Police questioning and arrests are nerve-racking experiences for most people, and they can be even more stressful if you aren’t sure what your rights are or what you should do to avoid hurting your case. There are many misconceptions floating around when it comes to arrests, and people often say or do things inadvertently that […]
What Are Your Rights During a Traffic Stop in Texas?
Seeing flashing red and blue lights in your rear view mirror while you’re driving can be a heart-stopping moment. You might glance at your speedometer to check if you were speeding, or you might wonder whether one of your brake lights went out. Regardless of the reason you are being stopped, it can be an […]
What Are the Requirements for Becoming a Bail Bondsman in Texas?
So, you want a bail bondsman job. Let’s look at the requirements for becoming a bail bondsman in Angleton and other locations in Texas. Bail bondsman training There’s a process associated with becoming a bail bondsman in Texas, but it varies depending on the county in which you reside. Texas is the only U.S. state […]
Understanding the Difference Between Federal and State Bail Bonds in Angleton
Anyone new to the criminal justice system on the local level may find the bail bonds process confusing. Even more overwhelming are the ins and outs of federal charges. Are you or someone you care about facing federal charges? The following information can help you understand what federal bail bonds are and how they differ […]