Obtaining a bail bond is often a brand new experience for many people and because of this, it can be a situation that’s highly uncomfortable to partake in. A good bail bondsmen will make an effort to help make the bonding process as seamless as possible, but it’s still a good idea to walk into the situation with some knowledge of what to expect. Here are 10 facts about bail bonds in Angleton that you probably didn’t know, but are useful for understanding the situation you’re in:
- If you cosign a bond, you’re responsible for making sure that the person you’re bonding out appears in court. If that person fails to appear, you, as the cosigner, are responsible for any costs or fees that come with finding that person and scheduling their new court date.
- There are certain conditions that come with every bond release—the bondee and the cosigner should both know and understand these stipulations to remain within the legal boundaries of the bond.
- The bail bond fees incurred while taking out a bond are non-refundable, meaning even if the bond is fulfilled, you won’t receive these costs back.
- Make sure the person you’re attempting to bond out qualifies for bail. A judge always has the right to deny bail, voiding your attempts to secure bail bonds in Angleton.
- Bond is determined based on the charge against someone. A person who is more likely to be a threat to society or who may be at risk of fleeing may garner a higher bond amount than someone charged with a “victimless” crime.
- There are both state and federal bonding laws and it’s important to understand the implications of both. A good bonding agent will explain any intricacies to you, so it’s important to ask questions regarding these laws and how they apply to your situation.
- Failure to comply with a bond and the bonding stipulations will result in a re-arrest and could mean incurred charges for the cosigner of the bond. Also, bond will likely be denied in the future if it has been revoked in the past.
- Bond must be raised and posted in a set amount of time after it is set. Failure to post bond within a specified timeframe could result in bond being denied altogether. Make sure you understand the bonding timeframe and comply with it.
- Bonding schedules are predetermined, meaning a bonding agent can’t stray from the fees set down regarding the bond itself.
- There are four different types of bonds: behavior bonds, cash bonds, property bonds and surety bonds. Surety bonds are the ones issued and observed by a bonding agent.
Don’t let the unfamiliarity of the bonding process leave you flustered—instead, do a bit of reading and make sure to ask a variety of questions before signing your name on the dotted line of a bond agreement. Becoming informed of the situation before you give it your John Hancock will give you peace of mind about the risks and your duties as a cosigner.