
A Beginner’s Guide: Bail, Bond and the Difference Between Them

If you’ve ever watched cop or court shows on TV, you have probably heard the terms “bail” and “bond” tossed around casually, as if they mean the same thing—but they’re actually two different concepts. Many people will never need to know the difference, but if you or a loved one has been arrested, you’ll benefit […]

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The Bail Bond Dos and Don’ts That We Recommend You Follow

When you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime, you may be given the opportunity to be released on bail. Bail is the state’s way of ensuring that a defendant appears for trial after being charged with a crime. Usually this involves putting up collateral with a bail bonds agent in Angleton in the form […]

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How Long Can You Be Out on Bail?

Bail is the state’s process by which they attempt to guarantee that a person charged with a crime will appear for trial. This is achieved by asking for collateral, usually in the form of cash. When the defendant appears for and completes their pre-trial and trial procedures, bail is returned at the end of the […]

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What Are Your Bail Bond Options for Holiday Arrests?

The holiday season should be a time of peace and joy for everyone, but unfortunately that’s not always how it works out. If you receive a phone call indicating you have a loved one who was arrested during the holidays, that can quickly throw a wrench in your plans and take the energy out of […]

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